Good Riddance.
Predictably, the left-wingnuts are finding a way to turn this into a slam on President Bush. Hugh Hewitt has some great coverage of the response by the left.
And the editors of National Review Online have a great take on the execution of the Butcher of Baghdad. An excerpt...
The collapse of his dictatorship has created a social and political void, and a variety of hit men, as usual, are trying to make careers out of it. The only way to prevent their doing so is to introduce the rule of law and impose enough security that it has a chance to take. Saddam’s trial, for all its flaws, was an exercise in the rule of law. Justice is never perfect, especially when carrying an element of retribution. Much more important, though, this case is exemplary. Saddam’s trial and execution could yet be the building block of a future with hope in it for an Iraqi society and state at last free from his tyranny.
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